The Mendiants of Naomi Martino elegantly reinterprets this traditional delicacy as a signature of the House, where the balance of taste and the interplay of textures invite a tasting experience full of the senses.
We offer a renewed harmony of colors, smells and flavors, making each bite a unique experience.
Our chocolate pouches are composed of around twenty bites.We can propose other sizes at your convenience.
Temperature : between 12°C and 18°C
- Ingredients
- Ingeedients
More creations
Discover an unforgettable tasting with our outstanding chocolates, blending the complexity of the aromas and creativity. Each creation invites you to a new chocolate journey, honoring the authenticity of flavors and craftsmanship.
Our selection of chocolate bars illustrates the diversity and richness of Guadeloupean cocoa.
coated snacks
Fruits and almonds are carefully coated with chocolate, the perfect union between sweetness and crustiness.
Sweetness and richness meet in those bites, true gustatory and treasures for you to enjoy!